Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Following Intuition

My intuition has always served me well, that is, when I have followed it. So often, I let my mind, other people's opinions, societal expectations, bosses advice, whatever the case may be, interfere with my intuition....that small voice inside my spirit, my soul, my heart, that tells me exactly what to do. When I follow my intuition all is well, it is when I don't that I find myself getting into trouble...not sleeping, becoming ill, or internally stressed. When I follow my intuition I know that I overcome fear with faith.

I can count the many times when the peace comes from following intuition. There are beautiful moments and my body can breathe in and exhale with the delight of knowing I am at peace when I follow that spirit, that voice, that word from God. I know exactly what people mean when they don't make decisions until they "pray about it". I know because many times I have had an encounter, conversation, discussion with God about how I should proceed or what I should do, and the answers always come in the form of that voice or holy spirit He sends to give me my clues or signs or answers. It's when I don't listen, that conflict comes!

I think of intuition this day as I denote a sense of peace about my life. Yes, there is turmoil, pain, loss, hurt, tears and grief, but still, there is peace. The peace comes in surrounding myself with people and situations that provide energy and light and love. God has given me the opportunity to call the shots, if you will, create my own agenda, and the funny thing is, He always did. I just don't think I saw it that way. For part of my life, I think I went through the motions, was not still, and didn't listen as profoundly. In the devastation of loss I have learned to hear and follow and be still, and follow my own inner voice, and know what God is directing me to do. It's a beautiful agenda of life, and I now know that everything I was directed to do up until this point, was to prepare me for this moment.

It's usually frowned upon, a bit, when you use intuition to guide you in the professional world. Bosses want concrete answers, not gut responses. They don't want to hear about how this makes us "feel", they want to base the response on data. So we conform, and we do what is necessary, but even in my professional world, I followed intuition at times, and when I did, the results were glorious. When I didn't, well....

In my personal life, nothing prepared me for the passage of my daughter from this world into eternal life. Absolutely nothing. I had no resources, no data, no earthly guidance, no manual. I had a loving God, who sent me loving family and friends, and I had an inner voice that knew just what to do. I didn't stop to even think if it was "right" or not, I was led by spirit to guide Allison, along with Joe, to hold her, to tell her the story of Jesus' love for her, to ease her into a passage that was so necessary to relieve her from the pain and confines that were raging in her physical body. I knew to cradle her, rock her, whisper and exactly what to say. I asked God how to do this, to please help me know, and He answered with a beautiful spirit and intuition that brought about peace and tranquility to the end of one life, and the beginning of another. I overcame my fear with faith.

Life would be beautiful if I could say that I follow my intuition, as I did that January morning and all the weeks leading up to it, at all times. But I must admit that there are times the questions surface..."what do others think", "is this the right thing to do", and so on. I work at abandoning those thoughts, knowing and trusting God to give me what I need and the courage to listen to the voice, the spirit that guides when I allow it to do so. Following intuition is so freeing, there should be no other agenda in this life.

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